Feed monitoring so you never run out of feed again
Levno monitors your feed silo and liquid feed tank levels, so you always know how much feed you have. Understand feed usage and historical trends to help with budgeting and feed management.

Know when you're low

Improve feed management

Understand usage trends

Keep the team safe

Access from anywhere
Find out more about Levno for Feed
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Levno's feed monitoring makes feed management easy
Levno will let you know when you have had a delivery and how many days you have until empty. You'll be notified when your feed drops below a certain level, so you can order more before you run out.

How it works
Levno sensor
Levno monitors the level of feed in your tank or silo with a radar sensor. This is installed on the top of the tank or silo, allowing it to read what's inside 24/7. This information is sent to the transceiver and then to your dashboard.

The transceiver receives data back from the sensor and transmits it to the cloud for display in your Levno dashboard. From your dashboard you can view your live data and set alerts. You can receive alerts via text, email or in-app push notification.

Level changes
Levno constantly measures the levels of your feed tank or silo, meaning you can go about your day assured you will always have enough feed. Set up thresholds for when the volume drops below a certain level so that the necessary people can be alerted to order more feed.

Safety precaution
Keeping your staff safe is the most important thing on the farm. With Levno for Feed there is no longer a need to climb the silo, minimising the risk of an accident.

Usage trends
Levno is constantly measuring the feed levels in your silo or tank. This data is presented in graphs which can be used to understand usage trends and help you to plan ahead.

Feed delivery
When you receive a feed delivery silo or tank level data will automatically update. You can also set up refill alerts to tell you that a delivery has occurred.
Your feed supplier can get access to your Levno for Feed so they can monitor it on their end and top you up before you run out.

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Feed management data at your fingertips

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