
Ready to try Levno?

Fill out your details and our team will be in touch.

Feed partners

Are you from a feed supply company? 
Levno will give you visibility over your customers' feed levels on- farm, providing time critical data to ensure feed is delivered on-time and efficiently.
▶︎  Feed partners | learn more
Feed - tanker filling silo

Direct customers

Do you store agriculture  feed onsite?
Have visibility over your feed silo or liquid feed tank at all times. With Levno you'll be alerted to low levels, withdrawals and feed refills. 
▶︎  Direct customers | learn more
Levno Nov 2021 - Silo 3 cropped

Level changes 

Levno monitors all feed usage and delivery. Understand how much feed is available any time and be alerted to low levels without having to climb the silo. 
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Transport & logistics

Feed Partners use Levno's data to optimise ordering, delivery schedules, and to ensure that their customers have feed on hand at all times. 
Real time insights into Fuel usage

Real time insights

Levno keeps a record of daily, monthly and yearly feed usage. Track usage trends and have data on hand for management reporting.

Eliminate the need to climb the silo and reduce the risk of a health and safety incident

Reduce the risk of a serious accident when checking the fill level of the silo. Levno lets you know the level of the silo or tank, so there is no longer any need for you or your team to climb up the silo to check the level.

Talk to us about Levno for Feed today!


Talk to us about Levno for Feed

Drop us a line with a few details and we'll be in touch soon!

Even if you're just considering feed monitoring, you are welcome to get in touch for an obligation free chat.

Levno for Feed can be adapted to a range of uses

Feed suppliers

Levno's partner dashboard gives feed suppliers visibility of their customers' usage allowing for gains in service, ordering and logistics.

On-farm liquid feed storage

Install Levno on your liquid feed tanks and be alerted the moment you reach a certain threshold. This allows you to re-order before you run low.

Commercial operations  

If you store bulk grain on site, Levno for Feed can give you visibility of levels at any time in an easy to use dashboard.

On-farm dry feed storage

Levno for Feed alerts you when your dry feed silo levels get low so you can get your silo filled up before you run low and animals are impacted.


Suitable feed types

Dry feed

Levno can measure the volume of dry feeds such as pellets, grains, blends and meal. 
dryfeed cropped

Liquid feed

Levno can measure the volume of liquid feeds such as molasses and other liquid feeds.
Liquid feed

Find out more about feed monitoring


Talk to us about feed monitoring

Drop us a line with a few details and we'll be in touch soon!

You're in safe hands with Levno

Levno Installer with Farmer


Our dedicated customer team make booking installations easy. We have trained installers New Zealand wide, ready to get you up and running fast.

You'll never be asked to fork out for maintenance or upgrades with Levno. All you pay is a low monthly fee for the data and we take care of everything else.

Our customer team can be reached 24/7 to resolve issues and book installers for servicing. 

Subscription plans to suit everyone

Levno for Feed is available in two subscription plans for direct customers. Choose from our Half load or Full Load plan.
Feed partners

Learn how Levno for Feed can optimise ordering and streamline logistics. 

Feed - tanker filling silo

Direct customers 

Learn how Levno for Feed can give you complete visibility of your feed usage.

See what else we can monitor
